Tips for Managing Holiday Stress

Media often portrays the holiday season as a joyful time spent with friends and family. However, many of us find ourselves feeling stressed, financially tapped, or maybe even a little lonely during this time of year.

Give yourself the gift of self-care!

  1. Have some fun! Time to forget that insulting thing your drunk aunt said during family dinner, and spend a few dollars on renting something nostalgic (like It’s a Wonderful Life) or ridiculous and fun (like drag queens celebrating the holidays in RuPaul’s Holi-Slay special).

  2. Give thanks for our weather! Your Facebook friends from other parts of the country are stuck inside. Thankfully you’re not them, you choose to live in LA where it’s 70 degrees and sunny in December! Go for a walk along the Venice Canals, take a blanket and a book to Barnsdale Art Park, or have a coffee on the patio at Urth Caffe.

  3. Finally, say yes if you want to do something, say no if you don’t! It’s as simple as that, but all too easy to forget over the holidays. If your friend’s annual holiday party is fun, then go! If your in-laws are rude and critical towards you, stay home! You’re an adult and you don’t owe anyone anything, you owe yourself the decision to avoid pain and embrace happiness.

Want more (and likely better) self-care strategies?

Check out these ideas from The American Psychological Association.

Spencer Scott